Hospital Management

Hospital Management System

Hospital Management System(HMS) is a system for managing the hospital functions and events. It has different modules such as adding new doctors, managing parents and managing appointments. It is a web-based powerful hospital management containing user and admin panel. It is an effective software specifically designed to fulfill various requirements in managing hospitals.

Project Modules:
  • Admin Panel: The admin can add new listings of doctors through this panel. Also list can be modified, updated or deleted.
  • Reception User: Reception user can manage patient records and all the features such as search, modify, delete on the records and see some reports.
  • Search option: Admin & Reception user can search patients and doctors using different filters.
  • Appointments: Appointments can be made for a doctor by adding patients in his queue.
Software to be used:
  • Python 3.x installation
  • IDE such as Spyder or PyCharm for project development (Optional)
  • MySQL for storing information
  • Django software

Technical Stack:

  • Front End
    • HTML
    • CSS (Optional)
  • Back End
    • Python with Django framework for web application
    • MySQL as database